
Monday, August 20, 2018

Motivation Monday!!!!!

     Good morning! I hope you had a wonderful weekend with your beautiful family. Today is Day One of the Homeschool Review Crew Blog Hop. On Motivation Monday,  I want to spend a few moments reminding you how important it is to lean on the Lord as a parent and homeschooling teacher.  

     I have been homeschooling now for over 20 years, and believe me when I say there have been many days I felt like quitting.  The devil would lie to me and say "You are not enough for these kids... You can't teach them what they need to know."  I would feel defeated and overwhelmed... BUT GOD.... He would then remind me that even when I wasn't enough HE WAS ENOUGH.  He would give me the knowledge and wisdom I needed to be the mom and teacher for my children.  He would bring dear ones to help fill in the gaps.  I wasn't alone in this endeavor.  

     All that was required of me was a willing heart. I would have to listen to the Holy Spirit for guidance and be willing to ask for help when I felt I wasn't able to do something.  I would have to be humble yet confident in my homeschooling abilities. I would have to lean on Him.  He would never leave me.  I just needed to trust that He would give me all I needed to do what He called me to do.  

     So, today I want to encourage you to lean on Him.  You've Got This!  With God all things are possible!  No matter what comes our way, He will help us see it through.  When we feel overwhelmed and anxious it may be because we are not leaning on Him, but instead trying to do it alone.  That will always frustrate us.  We have to know that alone we are incapable of being the parent and teacher our children need, but with Christ we can accomplish what we need to do.

     Each morning, try to get up a little before your kiddos and have a time with the Lord.  Pray and ask Him to give you the patience, strength, and wisdom you need.  Read the Bible and find verses that will encourage you along the way.  Don't try to do this alone.  Allow others to help you when you feel frustrated or overwhelmed.  Be willing to let the schedule go on some days and just be with your kids.  You are mom first and teacher second 😊

Here are a couple my favorite verses to help encourage you today.
    What words of encouragement do you have for other homeschooling families?  We would love to hear from you.  

Each day I will be featuring some of the wonderful Homeschool Review Crew Blogs along with the ones linking up to the Blog Hop. I hope you enjoy reading these amazing blogs and posts that will encourage you on your homeschooling journey. 

 Amanda @ Hopkins Homeschool
Annette @ A Net in Time 
Ashley @ Gift of Chaos

Come on over and join the Blog Hop fun

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