
Friday, August 24, 2018

Friday Favorites!

      Today is our final day for the Homeschool Review Crew Blog Hop.  I want to finish by sharing our favorite school supplies.  Let's talk about these amazing things we can not homeschool without. 

     Our Bibles are the most important thing we have in our homeschool.  I can't imagine going one day without reading God's Word and applying it to our lives.  We have found that His Word is the lifeline of our homeschooling days.

     There is one website we use each and every day.  It is  This site is full of so much curriculum for grades K-12. From math to science to electives like foreign languages and drama/speech,   I can't possibly tell you how awesome it is.  I would highly encourage you to follow the link above and see for yourself.  It is worth every penny and then some 😊

     Our homemade chalkboard is a great asset to our homeschool.  We mainly use it for Latin, Math, and Bible classes.  We have also used it to help remind us of important dates or events.  It hangs on our living room wall and looks amazing since we made it ourselves with a beautiful picture frame.  We just painted the glass in the frame with chalkboard paint, let it dry for 24 hours and now we use it on a daily basis.  It cleans up really easily and is not chipping at all.  

     Our learning games make school fun.  We try to take a few hours a week to play games.  They can teach logic, math skills, reading and much more.  When your kids are having fun, they don't even realize they are learning.  It's a great way to teach good sportsmanship and character as well.  

     If you ask our youngest what school supplies she can't do without she will immediately say her art/craft supplies.  She uses her markers, colored pencils, gel pens, and paints almost every day.  She loves being creative and I love watching her create.  
     Here we have two things we use.  Our kitchen table and our science equipment.  We love experimenting and we love doing it as a family.  That is why we love the kitchen table so much.  It allows us to gather together and learn as a family.  I think I learn just as much as the kids some days. 
     We love our essential oils. They help to keep us alert and focused.  Our home always smells so good.  

     We have recently added a letter-board to our homeschool. We enjoy changing the message a few times a week and it helps remind us of quotes or Bible verses that build our character.  It's a lot of fun to use and gives us an outlet to be creative. 
     Last, but not least, we have our morning basket.  This little basket helps us start our mornings on the right foot.  We have our daily devotional in there along with our planner, things we are memorizing, and sometimes a little activity.  Mornings really do set the mood for the entire day.  It's important to start them out with a good attitude.  

     I hope you have enjoyed seeing some of the things that help our school run smoothly.  We have seen our list change many times over the years.  What are your must haves?  We would enjoy reading your list 😉

     Would you like to read some wonderful blogs about homeschooling and family life?  Here are a few to get you started.  

Wendy @ Life at Rossmont 
Yvie @ Gypsy Road

Please join us for the final day of the Homeschool Review Crew Blog Hop!!!


  1. I love your essentials. What oils do you use to stay focused? I love using oils.

    1. Hi Cassandra :) We use 6 drops of lemon or orange with a drop or two of peppermint. We also love to use Vetiver for days we have tests to take.

  2. We did the same thing to make our chalkboard. The only difference is that we used a mirror instead and just painted over it. It’s amazing how easy it is to make one from something not in use anymore!
