
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Homeschool Review Crew: Our Review of Northwest Treasures

     My children love to learn about dinosaurs.  Since they were little they have been fascinated by them.  I love when we can find information about these amazing creatures from a company that believes in a young earth and global flood that is found in scriptures.  Northwest Treasures is that company!  Their online videos teach just what I want my children to be learning.  We were so excited to be able to review Dinosaurs and the Bible. In order to fully understand our videos, were even given the opportunity to watch Taking the Mystery Out of Geology before viewing our videos. I thought that was very kind of them.  

     My kids were more than happy to sit through these very informative videos.  They also loved that fact that each session only lasted about 18 minutes or so.  It is much better to break down lessons like these so kids can absorb what they are being taught.  

     The lessons included:
  • Lesson 1: How we got our modern view of dinosaurs.
  • Lesson 2: The classification of dinosaurs
  • Lesson 3: Dinosaurs and the Bible, The great dinosaur rush.
  • Lesson 4: The extinction of the dinosaurs 
  • Lesson 5 : Dinosaurs and the Ice Age
  • Lesson 6 : Fossils, age, and soft tissue
     As I mentioned before, I love that this company teaches about the dinosaurs through a Biblical perspective. We have always tried to give our children the knowledge of the Bible as they go through their science courses.  It is so hard to find good lessons like these to reinforce what we have taught them.  I appreciate a company that stands for what they believe in. 

     After each class, we would sit down and discuss the worksheet that is made available for you to use after you purchase the class.  They also have a final exam you can use for your students. It's so nice to have everything right there.

    I love talking with my kids, and since we are technically on summer break as we did these classes, we thought we would make it more relaxed and just discuss the questions and go over the answers together as a family.  It sure brought up some interesting conversations and that is AWESOME!!!  These classes really got my kids thinking.  

     After we finished our lessons, my son, who is entering the 9th grade next week, asked me if there were any more classes like these for him to take.  I was happy to see that they do offer physical courses for high school students. The  Northwest Treasures Curriculum Project looks like something our son would love to do.  We are praying about getting it for him for his science curriculum this year.  

     Would you like to learn more about Northwest Treasures?  I encourage you to check out their website along with their social media pages listed below: 

     We also have some more reviews for this resource and others like Taking the Mystery Out of Geology and Geology and Apologetics  over on the Homeschool Review Crew website. 

Online Geology Classes{Northwest Treasures Reviews}


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