
Monday, July 23, 2018

25 Years and We Still Do

      Today my husband and I are celebrating our 25th Wedding Anniversary.  I can't believe we have been married for 25 years!!!  

     If you would have told me back in 1985, that the new boy in our class would be my husband someday, I would have just laughed. We were only 12 and 13 when we met in 7th grade.  It wasn't until our Junior year in high school that we started to date. Our first date was to our Junior/Senior Banquet at our school.  We attended a Christian school, so this was like our equivalent to a prom.  It didn't take long for us to realize that we were going to be together for the rest of our lives 😊  

     Our lives have been filled with many ups and down, but I wouldn't change it for anything.  It has brought us to where we are.  We will continue to put God at the center of our marriage and family.  We will enjoy watching our children continue to grow.  We will be thrilled to become grandparents one day and hopefully even great-grandparents.  Life may not be perfect, but we love it!  We love each other and each of our children and their spouses. No matter what, together we will make it through.   

     God has a good plan for each of us and if we allow Him to work in our lives and through us, we will be able to accomplish what He has set before us.  So today, I encourage you to begin to cherish each and every day.  Life goes by so very quickly. Take time to look around you and see the blessings God has given to you.  Be who God has called you to be.  Love others and show God's love to everyone around you.

     I am so thankful that my husband and I have allowed God to do a good work in our lives and marriage.  He is the one who holds us all together.❤

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