
Thursday, August 20, 2020

Staying Connected With Our Lifeline


  As I sit here in the quiet of the morning, I think about everything I need to get done.  It didn't take long for me to feel overwhelmed.  It was then I realized that I was leaving one important thing out this morning.  My time with Jesus.  How can I expect to complete anything without the strength He gives me?  How can I share Him with others if I have not made time to read His Word, pray and worship Him?  

     I wish I could say that I never miss my time with Him, but honestly I have days that I fail in this area.  Those are the days I feel so frustrated that I want to quit.  Those are the times when I just want to crawl into bed so I don't have to deal with the world around me. Those are the moments that I lose patience with my kids.

    If I forget to spend time with my Lifeline, I can't function.  So why do I do this to myself.  Only one reason comes to mind...... I'm human.  I think I can accomplish things without His help.  I assume that I am able, when the truth is I am NOT able to do one single thing on my to-do list without Him.  He gives me the ability to do what He has called me to do.  

     Do you have days you just feel like you can't go on?  Are you dealing with feelings of being in over you head?  I encourage you to begin to put God number one priority in your life.  Give Him the first fruits of your day. Pray before you even get out of bed. Spend a few minutes reading His Word.  Put worship music on while you are getting ready for your day.  I won't say that your day will be perfect if you do this, but it will be better.  You will find yourself not feeling so overwhelmed and worried.  He will empower you to get through your agenda without feeling like you are drowning.  Let the Holy Spirit lead you. 

      I am not only writing this for you to read.  I am posting this as a reminder to myself.  I want to always be reminded that I can do all things through Christ.  He is my LIFELINE!!!!

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