
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Homeschool Review Crew: Our Review of Carole P. Roman Books & Collections

     In our home, we enjoy learning about different countries and cultures.  We were so thrilled to be able to review some of the Carole P. Roman books and collections.  The Cultural Series from Carole P. Roman are a great addition to your homeschool library if you like to study what life is like in these different countries. 

     The Cultural Series is intended for ages 4 to 9, but they can be used by older children as well if you add some activities that are more geared towards the older ones.  This series is packed full of information about each country they represent. The kids loved the colorful images throughout the books.  They are fun to read and so educational. We were able to count these as geography, history, writing and reading time as we went through each book.  I love books that incorporate so many subjects into one.  


     If You Were Me and Lived in...India was the first book we read.  My kids were most intrigued with this one because a few years ago we did a fundraiser to help the children of India get school supplies. They couldn't wait to learn more about the culture of this country.  From the beginning to the end, you are learning things like what language they speak to the food they eat. Hope and Josh liked learning about the two day celebration of Holi.  This is a time in India when the people dress all in white and celebrate good overcoming evil and the spring harvest.  It is a messy celebration as everyone throws colored water on each other, but they love it.

     If You Were Me and Lived in...Israel was my favorite of the three we read.  I have always enjoyed learning about the country of Isreal.  It has always been a dream to visit there.  As the book tells you, one of the best spots to visit is the Dead Sea. This is the lowest spot on earth at 1371 feet below sea level.  This sea is full of salt and you will not find one living creature in it.  I would love to soak in it as it has been known to help your body in many ways.  
     The kids were surprised to find out that all the children are given special martial art classes called Krav Maga.  It wasn't a fact they had ever heard before.  That is what makes these books such a great tool in learning about different cultures and countries.  

     If You Were Me and Lived in... Egypt is the final book we read and it was very good! Egypt is one of the oldest nations on earth and we found out it was often called the  cradle of civilization because of the way it developed and how it ruled the area.  My children loved learning about the pyramids and wish they could get their picture taken with the Great Sphinx.  They giggled when they found the Great Sphinx was missing his nose, but soon it sparked some great conversations about the many mysteries of the Egyptians.

     The author of these amazing books is  Carole P. Roman.  She is a wonderful writer.  Her books are filled with knowledge.  I couldn't believe how much we learned as we reading these little paperback books.  It takes a creative writer to do what she does.  This is our second time reviewing her books and not one has disappointed us.   

     If you would like to learn more about her books I would encourage you to check out the website along with the social media links below: 

     We also have more reviews for you to enjoy over on the Homeschool Review Crew site.  Just grab yourself a snack and a beverage and click on the link below

Carole P. Roman books and collections {Carole P. Roman Reviews}

Have a blessed week!

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