
Thursday, February 1, 2018

Our Review of Learning Spanish 1

     For the last month we have had the opportunity to review Learning Spanish 1 by Katie Hornor over at Paradise Praises.  This workbook has been a great supplement for our Spanish class that our son has been taking.  We were given the print and digital copy of this book to review and we were compensated for our review.  We hope our honest opinion will help you decide if this workbook would be a right fit for your family. 

     Right away we saw it wasn't like other workbooks. Even though it a small workbook, it is filled with 30 pages of great ways to help teach Spanish.  Josh was having issues remembering the Spanish words for some people and things, but these workbook pages taught him in a new way.  They had him matching the words on the page with pictures that corresponded with them.  I saw that it was helping him memorize much easier than before.  

     I loved the way it helped associate the words for different feelings by having him illustrate how each emotion made him feel.  At first he thought it was silly, but then later he said "Mom this helped me to remember each emotion better."  We had not seen other books teach in this way, and for children who are visual this is a great resource. 

     I also liked the fact that I didn't have to wrestle with Josh to do his workbook pages.  They didn't overwhelm him at all.  When he sees more than a dozen questions on a page he gets frustrated.  These workbook pages were just right for him.  He was learning, yet not feeling like he had to learn too much at once.  

     If you have a child struggling to learn Spanish or if you would like to learn common words yourself, this workbook may be just what you are looking for.  It is a great little workbook for a great price. I will be using our digital version for our daughter when she is ready to begin learning Spanish.  I can't wait to see how it helps her too.   

      Have a blessed day!!!!


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