
Sunday, January 21, 2018

Are You Teaching Your Children To Pray?

     As a young mom I failed to teach my children to pray. I didn't realize the importance of actually sitting with them each day and praying with them. We would always pray before meals, but I feel that just became a habit and not a real time of talking with our Heavenly Father.

     Now we take time to pray as a family and I encourage my children to pray in their personal devotional time.  We have talked about how we should pray and that it should be from the heart.  I have also taught them that they need to pray for others.  They understand that prayer is not a time to just ask God for things they want, but a time to thank Him for all He has done and given to them.

   As I hear them pray, I see them growing spiritually and it brings joy to my soul.  It's hard not to cry when I hear them spilling their hearts to their Creator.  I rejoice in the knowledge that they love Jesus and it is what I am most thankful for.  

     I have made a couple of prayer journals for your kiddos to use during their times of prayer.  It helps guide them as they are learning and helps them keep track of who needs prayer each day.  I hope they are a blessing for you and your family. 

       To download one or both prayer journals, please click on the links under the images 😊