
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Homeschool Review Crew: Our Review of the Brinkman Adventures

     Our family has always enjoyed listening to audiobooks and audio dramas.  When we were chosen to receive and review the Brinkman Adventures Season 4 we were thrilled. We love listening to audios while we do our chores or during reading time.  I have found they actually help keep my kids focused. 

      Have you and your family heard of the Brinkman Adventures?  It is a radio show about a family that shares their adventures that inspire you to share your faith with others.  Once we started listening, we didn't want to stop.  

       Season 4 of the Brinkman Adventures has 12 episodes that include: 
  • A Paradise Lost
  • Remember Nhu
  • Aisha's Fear
  • Heart Song
  • The Crashed Kitchen
  • Crisis In The Congo
  • The Mysterious Palm Feller
  • War Of The Raccoons
  • The Five Guys
  • Toughest Man
  • Cambodian Quest
  • What Brings Us Together
     Each episode is unique and exciting.  The Brinkman family will bring adventure right to your home as you listen to their stories. The wonderful ways they share about their faith and how other Christians have endured many hardships in order to share Christ with the world will inspire you to get out and share the Lord with others you know.   My children were on the edge of their seat with some of these episodes. We were given opportunities to discuss how we would react in similar situations that these faithful Christians faced. 

     I was impressed with how well the stories were acted out and the heart and soul that went into each one.  You can tell this company wants to reach out to young people and give them food for thought.  In the world we are living in today, I feel these stories could encourage our young people to be obedient to Christ and not to follow the world. I know they lit a fire in my youngest daughter.  She knows she can make a difference even though she is just a little girl.  

     When I asked my daughter what their favorite episode was she said Heart SongIn this episode, the Brinkman family is invited to Russia to hear about a family who was willing to do whatever it took to hear and teach God's Word.  She said it touched her heart to hear how someone was willing to go to jail in order to teach others about Christ.  It made her realize how blessed she is to be able to worship God without fear of being thrown in jail or even killed.  She said she is thankful that she didn't have to face trials like this. I have also noticed that she is praying more for others who do not have our freedom to worship God. This episode opened her eyes to what others may suffer in order to love and serve God.  

      I encourage you to check out these wonderful audios.  God can do a good work in our lives as we listen to wonderful stories like these.  They give us courage and inspire us to do more for Him. 

      To learn more about the Brinkman Adventures, you can visit their website or their Facebook page:

     Would you like to read more review of this resource?  Come over here ⇓⇓⇓
Brinkman Adventures Season 4

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