
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Homeschool Review Crew: Our Review of The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls

     Recently we were given the opportunity to review the first two books of the series called The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls from WorthyKids/Ideals.  When they arrived in the mail, my daughter Hope grabbed them up. She couldn't wait to begin reading them.  The covers are so intriguing and inviting.  I knew she would love them.  

     These books are a perfect size for children in elementary school.  They are about 110 pages long and there are wonderful black and white illustrations throughout the book.  Hope is an artist so she really enjoyed seeing the characters drawn as she read through each book.  She said each drawing was exactly how she would have pictured it in her imagination. That is a huge compliment coming from this child.  She is not easily impressed. 😉 

     I like to research the authors of the books my children read, and when I read about M.J. Thomas, I was more than happy to let my children read his books.  He wrote these to teach his son Biblical truths while adding adventure and imagination to the mix.  What a great reason for writing!!!

     The books have several main characters. Peter and Mary are siblings and they have a dog named Hank. Then there is their Great-Uncle named Solomon who is an archeologist.  The kids are not thrilled to visit their Uncle, but soon they realize that this Uncle has made a discovery that will change their lives.  

     Great- Uncle Solomon has found some old scrolls that are sealed with a wax seal that can only be opened by the special chosen ones. It wasn't long before Mary and Peter figure out they are the chosen ones, and that this is just the beginning of their adventures.  


     In the first book, The Beginning,  they are transported back to the days of creation.  From the days before the earth was created to the day God created the animals and man, Mary and Peter get to witness it all.  They even face the serpent in the Garden of Eden.  Every page was weaved with Biblical truths.  

      Hope was on the edge of her seat as she read through each chapter.  She couldn't wait to see how Mary and Peter would get back to their own time in history.  How will they solve the secret of the scrolls?

     Book two, Race to the Ark, takes Mary, Peter, and Hank back to the days of Noah. They quickly find out the people are not nice during this time period.  After they meet up with the Dark Ruler and his friends, they know they must flee the town they were staying in.

      After leaving the town, they meet up with Noah and his family.  They are so happy to see nice people who care for them. Mary and Peter were excited that they got to help Noah get the animals onto the Ark. It was an experience they would never forget. 

    If only it would have been that easy to get back to their time.  Remember they must solve the secret of the scroll in order to get back to their own time in history.  To solve this one, they must face the Dark Ruler once again.  

   Will they be able to figure this one out?  You will have to read it and find out.  Let's just say Hope was biting her nails at the end of this book. 

    Hope said these were the best books she has read this year.  She said they were full of fun and mystery.  She loves a good mystery, so these were a great fit for her.  She said she can't wait to see if there will be a book three.  

     To learn more about these books and others, I encourage you to go to the WorthyKids/Ideals website or visit their social media pages: 

     If you want to read more review of these two books, come on over to the Homeschool Review Crew website 👇👇👇

The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls. {WorthyKids/Ideals Reviews}

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