
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

What's On Your Agenda?

     If you have read my blog before, you know how much I enjoy planning. I was excited to see this topic for day three of the Annual Back to Homeschool BLOG HOP

     I love planning our days. I think we need to have an agenda to follow so we don't waste our time. I use to plan each minute of our day, but I found that to be a burden on my family. It was also a hindrance when God would lead us to do other things than what was on my "to-do" list.  I was convicted of being too rigid and God has changed my heart. 

      Instead of having a schedule to follow that has strict time limits, we follow a loose agenda where we have certain things we need to get done by the end of the day.  We do try to get our school agenda finished before dinner time so we can have our evenings free. 

      For our actual school work, I have a planner where I write down the assignments of my youngest two children. I fill this out every Monday morning. Our daughter's work is written in purple and our son's assignments are written in green. If we have missed any assignments from the past week, due to illness or other issues, I can add them to the new week. 

     In addition to keeping a record of assignments, I also keep track of their grades and attendance. Since we do the 6 weeks on, 1 week off method of scheduling our school days, it's best for this busy mama to monitor our days. At the end of our 6 weeks, I hand out report cards. They love sharing how they are progressing with their siblings and daddy.  


     My Senior in high school is responsible for writing down his assignments for each day so we have records of what he is working on and what has been completed.  I check his assignments once a week unless he is having issues with a subject. I feel at this age, he is more than capable of working independently and keeping a schedule of his own. He does a good job. He knows we trust him and he does not want to break that trust. He knows he will be held accountable for the choices he makes. Teaching him this concept will help him later when he gets a job and is trusted to do a task without being watched. 

     I have been told that I am old school when it comes to keeping records and planning. I have tried digital planners in the past and it was not my cup of tea. I love having a physical planner that I can write in and make my own. I feel our planner is easy for the children to read and understand. Maybe one day I will change my mind, but for now, this system works for us.

     With all the choices out there, I would love to know how you keep records and plan your school days?  I enjoy hearing how other families plan their days. 


Have you joined in the fun?


  1. I agree - paper is the way I prefer because everyone can see, access, and understand it. Simple is key for me. - Lori

  2. Paper all the way here too! ;) We also do 6 weeks on, one off and love the break it gives us.

  3. the feel of physical eh? having everything right at one's finger tips..

  4. I do a combination of paper and digital record-keeping and planning. It's leaning much more towards digital now though.
