
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Homeschool Review Crew: Our Review of The Everyday Family Chore System

     I don't know about you, but I am always looking for ways to improve our home and the way we do things.  I love things to run smoothly. I was thrilled to find out we would be reviewing  The Everyday Family Chore System from Everyday Homemaking. I want to make chore time a learning experience and not just a job.  The system taught in this book is perfect for teaching our children responsibility and life skills.

     The book begins with an introduction then the system is broken down into three parts:

  •  Part One - Laying a Foundation
  •  Part Two - Implementing the Plan
  •  Part Three - The Actual Chore System
     In Part One, you will be taught the importance of laying a foundation for your children.  Vicki Bentley states that "Child training is the first step to successful home management training."  I have to agree with her 100%.  The best way to train our children is to be godly examples for them to follow.  If they see us serving others and serving God, they will more than likely want to do the same.  If they choose to make a wrong decision along the way, we need to let them learn from their mistakes and allow them to see the consequences of their actions.  

      If you have ever read my blog before today, you know that I am a huge believer that we must teach our children godly character qualities from the moment they can understand what we are saying. As they grow in character, life skills will be easier to teach. They will have the right heart towards their work.  Vicki talks about similar things like this throughout Part One. 

     Part Two is where the work begins..... You get to implement what you have been taught in Part One.  I absolutely love the life skills checklist that is included in Part Two.  It will give you a list of chores that are age appropriate.  This will help you when assigning the jobs to your family members.  

     Vicki gives you several ways to go about setting up your home management system.  It's all about making the system work for your family. Each family has different needs, so she makes it easy to design around your particular season of life.  If you have all little ones, you will set up your home system differently than a family with teens or a mix of ages. I love how adaptable it is. 

     This is what we came up with using her suggestions for the reproducible job labels and how-to-do-it cards found in Part Three. 

Our laminated how-to-do-it cards

Our chore chart with jobs.
 I printed the job cards
from the book, then we glued them
 onto clothes pins.

This is where I keep our
unused job labels and
how-to-do-it cards
until we need them.

     As you can see we gave it our own flair and I added our family motto 😊.  So far it has been working really well, and the kids like having rotating chores.  They are not stuck doing a chore they don't like for more than a day at a time.  They are also learning how to do different jobs around the house with ease by following the how-to-do-it cards.  I am loving the cooperation we are seeing. Such a nice change from the arguing we were witnessing before.  

     I encourage you to check out Everyday Homemaking. I don't think you will be disappointed. You can also find them on

      Would you like to read more reviews of this product 
and others from Everyday Homemaking? 
 Just follow the link below 👇

Everyday Cooking and Chores Systems for your Family {Everyday Homemaking Reviews}

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reviewing the system. So glad you were able to adapt it to your family's needs! :)
