
Friday, August 18, 2017

Dear Homeschooling Mama.... A Message of Hope

     Welcome to our final day of the Annual Back to Homeschool BLOG HOP. Today we want to offer some encouragement to you! 

     I have a confession to make. Even though I have been homeschooling for almost 20 years, I still have days that I feel inadequate and unsure of my abilities to homeschool my children. On those days, you will find me in tears sitting on the couch. After a good cry and lots of praying, God reminds me that He has called me to do this and He is the one who equips me to be able to teach my kids.  I am not alone!  I don't have to lean on my own strength, He is there to get me through. He has put people in my path that will encourage me and provide advice that I need along the way. 

     No matter where you are on this homeschooling journey, I want you to know that you are not alone.  It doesn't matter if you are in your first year or twentieth year, you need support, encouragement, and someone to help you when you feel that you can't go on.  Homeschooling has many rewards, but it also can take its toll on us mamas.  If we don't have a support system, we tend to get so weary that we fall apart.  

     Each morning I have to get up early and spend time with Jesus.  I know if I don't that my day will not go well. Those are the days you find me crying on the couch.  I need Him!  He gives me the energy and stamina I need to make it through whatever may come my way.  For years I tried to homeschool without Him and without friends, and let me tell you, it was a bust!  I was frustrated. My children were discontented.  It was a huge mess. It wasn't until I put my pride aside and learned to rely on Christ and those dear ones He brought into my life,  that our homeschool began to thrive. 

    Being a mom is hard.  Being a homeschooling mom is even harder.  We get criticized and sometimes ostracized because of our choice to teach our children at home. That is why it is so important to have close friends or family that offer support. For me, I have two very best friends who come along side of me and give me encouragement when I am feeling down, and a kick in the pants when I want to give up.  We all need that.  Don't fool yourself into thinking you can do it all by yourself.   

       I will be the first to admit that I am still learning as our family continues on this adventure together, but now God has me helping others in their journey as well.  I love to encourage moms. That is why I have a blog.  I want to share my mistakes and successes.  I would like for others to learn from my blunders so they may not have to make the same ones.  It is hard to open up and be honest about my faults, but if it will help just one mama to feel better than it is worth it. 

     I pray that my ramblings are a blessing to you. I pray each day for those coming to read my posts. I ask the Lord to speak through me. He is our ROCK and will provide what we need to be the best homeschooling mamas we can be.  Allow Him to work in you and through you and I promise everything else will fall into place.  

Would you like to read more notes of encouragement?
 Come on over to the Blog Hop ↙



  1. Beautiful post Betty! Thank you for sharing. I am a 19 year veteran of homeschooling and it was still a rough week for us. I needed these reminders. Many blessings to you!

  2. that importance of spending time with the Lord eh? It's so RIGHT THERE.
