
Thursday, July 20, 2017

Welcoming A New School Year

     Next week we will be officially starting our new school year. It is hard to believe that this will be our 20th year of homeschooling our children. We have graduated 3 and this year we will have a Senior, an 8th grader, and a 5th grader.  It hasn't always been easy, but I wouldn't trade being a homeschooling mom for anything. 

     The days are long, but the years are so short. As a mom, I love seeing them progress.  Watching them finally understand a new concept is so rewarding. The days when I see them struggling brings me to my knees in prayer.  They are not the only ones learning through this process.  We are learning together. Homeschooling is a humbling experience and I know that without Christ, I would not be able to do it.  

     We have some traditions as we begin a new school year. We start with buying new school supplies. They love getting new pencils, pens, notebooks, and folders.  It's important to start the year on a fresh note. That is why I let them get new supplies even though we probably have a few things left over from our previous school year. 

      On the first day of school, we have a big family breakfast with all their favorites.  They love pancakes, bacon, and chocolate milk.  Mom even sneaks some chocolate chips in those yummy pancakes.  It always brings a smile to their faces. When our meal is over we stop to pray and ask the Lord to bless our new school year.  We ask Him to lead us and to keep us on track.  We want to please Him in all we do and say. 

     After our breakfast time, we take our first day of school pictures.  That is always a fun time.  We take the time to look back over the past years pictures and see how much everyone has grown. Many times a few tears fall as I look back over the previous years, but they are tears of joy, not sadness.  I celebrate the fact my children are growing into fine young men and women. I am so grateful to have each moment with them.  Being able to spend time with them while I teach them means so much!!!

     Years ago I used to think we had to get right back on a track with a whole day schedule as we started back to school.  As I have grown as a parent and teacher, I know that it is best to ease into our new school schedule after our summer break. We start with one or two subjects the first week and add a couple of subjects each week until we are back on a full schedule. This makes things much easier for me and my kiddos. 

     I am so excited to kick off our new school year. I have some fun activities planned for us and I know we will be learning some wonderful new things. 

      I want to make this year special for my son Ryan.  This is his last year and I want to make it memorable.  He is an excellent student and has always been a joy to teach.  He is a great example for his younger brother and sister to follow, and I pray that he has a marvelous year. 

      Josh and Hope also have huge milestones they will reach at the end of this year.  This is Josh's last year in middle school and Hope's last year in elementary.  Oh, where has the time gone?  I will be praying that I can bless them as we learn together.  We will make many memories that I hope they will look back on with fondness.  

      How do you commence your new school year? Do you have ideas you would like to share with us?  I would like to hear what your family does to make it special.  

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