
Saturday, July 8, 2017

Taking a Time Out

     I have not been blogging for over a week.  I needed some time to rest and relax with my family with no deadlines to meet.  It was a wonderful time of recuperation and now I feel like I am ready to take on some new projects and get ready for our new school year that officially begins in just 3 short weeks.  

     During my time off, we took some amazing family outings and just enjoyed being together. I think my favorite memory from the last week is our long lunch at Chick-fil-a.  While eating some great food, we talked, laughed and had some incredible face to face conversations.  We were not on a time limit and there were no distractions or interruptions. 

     I miss having long meaningful talks with my kids.  It seems that we are always in a hurry to do something or go somewhere these days. It was nice to just take the time to sit down and really listen to their hearts.  They are such cool kids. They have so much to say and teach me.  I love these little guys!!! I can't believe how fast time is going.  I want to savor every minute and after seeing how important this time out was, I will be doing it more often.

     I think my kids would say their favorite outing was watching the fireworks.  Not only the display but the time we spent playing together before. My hubby always buys them some fun little toys to play with before the fireworks start and they have a blast giggling and experiencing these things together.  


      Summer is a time to make memories that will last a lifetime. From campfires to looking at the stars, it should be fun for the entire family.  A time to get to know one another again without all the hustle and bustle of the outside world.  Just take one evening a week to really be present (no distractions) and see your family thrive.   I promise you won't regret it!!!!

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