
Thursday, June 8, 2017

Homeschool Review Crew: Our Review of MarshMedia

     In our homeschool, we have two tweens.  It is a challenge to teach them what they need to know about how their bodies are changing and the how to keep their bodies healthy during these changes. I would like to tell you about a program, that we were given to review, that can help us with these topics. MarshMedia is a company that produces health education products for K-8, and up to this point, has primarily produced these for use in schools.  They are now interested in reaching out to the homeschool community. Right now they are running a special for homeschool families.  If you would like to take advantage of this Homeschool Special go to:

       There are many topics that include personal hygiene, health, puberty education, safety, immune system disorders,  head lice, and nutrition. All together there are about 54 videos to pick from. The videos range from 15 to 25 minutes in length. Each one is upbeat and geared to keep your children focused on the topic at hand.

      We picked a few to watch.  The first video we watched was on personal hygiene. It is called Keep It Clean.  This program teaches our children that they need to keep clean for 3 reasons:
  • For your health
  • For your appearance
  • For your own self-esteem

We watched this video together as a group as it did not contain any material inappropriate for mixed company.  

     Our daughter, who just turned 10, is experiencing some major changes in her body right now.  I chose to watch the program Puberty, A Girl's Journey with her.  In this video, they teach on topics such as: 
  • When to expect the onset of puberty
  • The female reproductive system
  • The menstrual cycle
  • Hormones
  • Health and hygiene
  • The importance of exercise, nutrition, and adequate rest
She seemed to understand each topic and we had a long discussion after we finished watching it. Right now she is dealing with more of the emotional side of the hormonal changes so we talked about that and prayed for the Lord to help her as she felt these different feelings.  

     Our 12-year-old son has already been through some changes in his body.  He always has many questions for us.  I thought the program Straight Talk about Puberty for Boys would be a good fit for him.  In this video they talk about:
  • The male reproductive system
  • Hygiene and good grooming
  • The dangers of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs to growing bodies
  • Emotional and physical changes of puberty
  • Importance of exercise and good nutrition
  • Self- Esteem
Josh had many of his questions answered in this video, that he viewed with his older brother so he wouldn't be embarrassed watching it with mom. He said it was informative and he learned a lot.  

     I think MarshMedia did a good job with these programs.  I like how each is labeled with the appropriate age level.  We were able to visit some topics that were hard to bring up before and address any issues the kids were having.  

     If you would like more information about these programs please visit their website MarshMedia or check out their social media pages: 
      We also have some other reviews for you to read over on the Homeschool Review Crew website.  I encourage you to head on over there and see what other families have to say about this product.  

       Have a great day!!!!

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