
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Homeschool Review Crew: Our Review of the Adventures of Rush Revere

     Do you see those huge smiles on my kids?  I have never seen them so excited to receive a set of books.  When we were chosen to review Adventures of Rush Revere #1 New York Times Bestselling Book Series by Rush and Kathryn Adams Limbaugh, they jumped for joy. They love to read material that makes history fun for them to learn, and the Adventures of Rush Revere Book Series does just that.

     There are 5 books in the set that we received. They are about 200 pages in length, but they are an easy read.  My fourth grader reads them quickly and retains much of the information. My kids love the fun little pictures throughout the books and the historic renderings of places and people of the time they are reading about. 

     In these wonderful books, you will have the thrill of meeting Rush Revere, his horse Liberty, and their friends Freedom, Tommy, and Cam. There are also many others you will become acquainted with as you read through the series. Not one page disappointed my children.  It was fun to hear them run through the house repeating the quote that started every time travel experience. This little saying is hard to forget: "Rush, Rush, Rushing to History!"  So much fun!!!

     The first book is Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims. In this book Rush and his crew travel back in time to the Mayflower voyage. They have the wonderful opportunity to meet the Pilgrims and to enjoy the first Thanksgiving meal.  You will get a glimpse into the everyday lives of the Pilgrims and you will see the struggles they faced and how they managed them.  

     The second book is called Rush Revere and the First Patriots. This adventure takes place right before the American Revolution. You will get to meet the colonist and even King George III during this trip. As we were reading this book, we talked about the different freedoms we have today because of the bravery of the men in this book.

      This is my son's favorite book of the 5.  He said it was action packed and helped him understand the time period better.  He has never enjoyed learning about this time in history until now.  

     The next one is my daughter's favorite.  It is called Rush Revere and the American Revolution. This book goes over the people and times during a place in history that was life changing for the American people.  Hope said it taught her why it is important for men and women to serve in the military and how we need to remember to pray for them.  She loves the happy ending when Cam gets to see his dad return from a military deployment. She said it reminded her how happy her sister is when her husband returns home from serving abroad.   

     In this next time travel adventure titled Rush Revere and the Star-Spangled Banner, you will get a chance to learn about the American government, its documents, and what the symbols of America mean.  After reading through this book, we made a list of all the places we would love to visit so we can learn more about our nation.  We want to see where our Constitution is being kept and we would love to see all the beautiful monuments that help us remember the history of our country.

     Our final book is called Rush Revere and the Presidency. This one teaches about what it takes to become president of the United States and many little tidbits about our past presidents and their first ladies. This book was very informative and it reinforced what we talked about during the election process back in November of 2016. My children said they wished they would have had it to read before our unit study on the government since Rush makes learning fun.  My kids were sad when they finished this last book and decided they wanted to read them all over again.    

     As we read through these books we used the Study Guides that are provided on the resource page of the Adventure in Rush Revere Homeschool Depot.  These study guides helped me to see how much my children were comprehending.  They also opened the doors for some wonderful conversations about our history.  I absolutely love all the resources that is on their website.  

     Would you like to learn more about these books? I suggest that you check out their website Adventures of Rush Revere and their social media pages: 
      We also have some more reviews for you over on the Homeschool Review Crew website.  I encourage you to check out what others have to say about these books.  

      Have a wonderful day!!!!

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