
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Homeschool Review Crew: Our Review of Thin Stix 6pk of Classic Colors

     My youngest daughter has always loved arts and crafts.  She is always looking for new DIYs to try.  When she heard that we were going to get the chance to review the Thin Stix 6pk of Classic Colors from The Pencil Grip, Inc, she jumped for joy.  I knew she would love these.  

      When they arrived in the mailbox, she ran out to grab them.  She opened the box and immediately got them out to see how they worked. It came with a sheet of paper that told about them and let you try them right away.  The smile on her face let me know these were soon going to be a favorite art supply that she would have to have on hand all the time.  She takes her arts and crafts seriously and is very picky about her supplies. 

      At least 3 afternoons a week, she and I sit down to work on our art projects.  I enjoy Bible journaling and painting canvases.  She also likes to work on her Bible journal, but loves painting and drawing on paper and canvases even more. I wanted to get her honest review of these paint sticks.  Here is her list of things she loves about them along with a few of mine:
  • The colors are so vibrant 
  • They are easy to use
  • They are smooth and fun to work with.
  • They dry very quickly
  • You don't have to have water to use them
  • You can use them on the go
  • They blend well
  • They work well on many surfaces like cardboard, poster board, and canvases
  • They are non-toxic {we are very conscience of what we allow in our home}
Here we used the Thin Stix to paint the flowers
 and to make the JOY.

     Hope had fun using them for a couple of my Mother's Day gifts she made for me.  This was my favorite.  I love emojis so she made a hand painted one for me on a canvas.  I have it hanging on our hallway wall so I can see it every day as I head downstairs to start our day.  

     I think art is an important subject for us to include in our homeschool schedule, but at times it can be hard to clean up.   These Thin Stix paint sticks let them express themselves without all the mess and fuss of other paints.  As a mom, who already has so much to clean up on daily basis, this makes me a happy camper.  They can be creative wherever they want with this wonderful product.  

      I encourage you to check out all their products on their website The Pencil Grip, Inc and their social media pages listed below:
     We also have some more great reviews for you to check out on the Homeschool Review Crew website.  I hope you enjoy reading about how other families used this resource.  I always like to read about a product before purchasing it for our family.  

     Have a wonderful day!!!


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