
Friday, March 24, 2017

What's On Your To Do List? {Free Printables}

     The other day I was reading a few news reports, and all I saw was vain selfish ambition throughout most of the articles.  It is sad to see how self-centered our world has become. It saddens my heart to see these horrible events occurring daily.  

    As Christians we are to be different from the world. We are called to holiness {dedicated to the service of God}.  Our lives and to do lists should look unlike those of the sinners of this world. 

    God wants us to love and show His love to everyone we come in contact with.  He doesn't want us to lead selfish lives and only care for ourselves. It may be uncomfortable at times but no one ever said the Christian walk would be an easy one.  As a matter of fact Jesus tells us in Luke 9:23 "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me."

    When I think of a cross, I think of persecution and hardships.  I knew that living a life pleasing to my Heavenly Father wasn't always going to be simple.  In the last 16 years, since I surrendered my life fully to Christ, I have been mocked and made fun of for my beliefs.  I have dealt with people {some who were close to me} who think I am too religious or that I take Jesus too seriously.  All I can say is that Jesus was willing to die on the cross for me.  His love and sacrifice gave me the gift of eternal life. He took on my sin. I consider dealing with insults and humiliation a small sacrifice.  I can't let anyone or anything to stand in my way of loving my Lord and doing what He has asked me to do. All I can do is love and pray for those who hurt me and allow God to work in their lives.  

      As I sat down and thought about what I want on my ultimate to do list, I prayed for the Lord to show me what He would have me do.  This is the list He gave to me:
  1.  Spend time with God
  2.  Pray for others
  3.  Live to please God not man
  4.  Be thankful
  5.  Show kindness
  6.  Encourage others
  7.  Be obedient to the Holy Spirit
    If I can follow this to do list on a daily basis, I will have joy.  Joy comes from being obedient to God and allowing Him to do a good work in our lives.  We shouldn't get joy and happiness mixed up.  Joy is a deep feeling in our soul that brings us an inner satisfaction that no one can steal. Joy comes from the Lord! Happiness is based on our circumstances, but joy is based on the knowledge that God has a good plan for our lives.  

     As I mother and teacher to my children this to do list will keep my eyes on the bigger picture. I won't allow the little things to get to me.  I will look for opportunities to teach them about the eternal significance of our lives instead of just focusing on the temporary. I want them to see me serving God and not being selfish.  

     I have made a printable of my to do list for you to print or you can print out an empty one to fill out for yourself.  This to do list is one that will have an eternal impact on our lives and others. Pray over it and allow God to lead you.  

To save and print these images, just scroll over the image, right click and choose "save image as..."



  1. Betty, I love your to do list! How life changing and world impacting. I can't wait to post in my morning area. Thanks and blessings from your neighbor at Holley's.

  2. I love this!! And I love the to-do list printable too. :) Thank you for linking up with us at Hip Homeschool Moms.
