
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Homeschool Review Crew: Our Review of Bessie's Pillow

     My daughter and I love to read together.  We were so excited when we found out we were going to be able to receive and review Bessie's Pillow published by Strong Learning, Inc.

     This book was such a blessing to us.  There were times we were both in tears, but it was so good to see how you can make the best out of any situation you are faced with.  The pillow, that she is to deliver to a young man in America read, "May this pillow bring you peace".  In life it is important to remember that we have a safe place no matter what is going on around us.  

     This book is based on the true story of Bessie Markman Dreizen and takes us on the journey of a Jewish immigrant coming to America in the early 1900's.  These immigrants were fleeing persecution in Europe. It was not easy for her to leave her family and home, but it was necessary.          

     From the minute she arrives in America, she is hardworking and willing to face many adversities to be free.  This woman was independent and able to learn many skills as she worked in America.  It wasn't easy to learn the English language, but she did it.  She did not give up!  After being in America for about a year, she was able to deliver that pillow, and fell in love with the young man named Nathan,  to whom she gave it to.  Their lives were not perfect and were filled with many afflictions, but she didn't let this get her down. Even after a tragic loss, she did not allow anyone to take advantage of her.  She was strong willed. She took charge and kept the family together.  

     I want to tell you more and more, but you have got to get this book and read it for yourself.  You won't be able to put it down.  I know we didn't want to.  It gives you hope and encourages you to keep going no matter what life throws your way.         
     As I read through it, I realized everything the immigrants went through to come to a new country and it touched my heart in a special way. I am not sure I am strong enough to endure the hardships they faced. I will be praying for those who are still going through these trials.  

      My daughter, who is nine, doesn't usually care for historical books, but this one kept her interest.  She had to find out how Bessie was going to work through things and she was excited to read it every day. I couldn't believe how much she loved it. There were a few days I caught my sons listening in as we read.  This book is good for all ages and boys will love it as much as girls. If your children are on the younger side, you can read it to them, but a child in upper elementary or above will have no trouble reading this independently.  I wish we could find more books like this one. 

          Along with some great pictures and information in the back of the book, there are some great resources on the website page Discover Bessie's America.  We enjoyed looking over the links we found there.  It was a joy looking over the pictures of the era when Bessie arrived in America and hearing some of the songs and radio shows of the time.  I love how it brings the story to life.  Some of the topics here include:

     I encourage you to come on over to Homeschool Review Crew website and read some other reviews of this book.  I love reading reviews of books or curriculum that I am considering for our homeschool.  It keeps me from buying things that may not work well for us and allows me to purchase things that I may have missed if I had not read some reviews.    

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure I could have faced the hardships my grandmother faced either. But I know I can make it because of her.
    So glad you enjoyed my grandmother's story.

    Dr. Linda
