
Thursday, December 22, 2016

What Christmas Means to Me

     I remember laying under the tree as a child.  It was an amazing sight to look up at the lights and ornaments hanging from the branches.  I would dream of the gifts to come as I ate my sugar cookie.  Christmas was a joyous time at my home.  

     As an adult things have changed.  I have found the true meaning of Christmas.  As I sing the song Silent Night, I think about that evening when Mary was giving birth to her firstborn son.  It brings back memories of when I had my first son and I can just imagine how she felt when she held that newborn baby in her arms.  The joy that fills your heart is so great you feel it may burst at any moment.  

     One thing was different from my experience and hers.  She was now the mother of the Messiah.  It must have felt like a huge responsibility and blessing at the same time.  She knew this little babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, would grow up to be the Savior to all the world.  He was God's promise fulfilled.  This precious baby who was looking up at her was going to deliver all those who believe from their sin.  She must have been filled with awe.  

      Now when I look at our tree, I see something a little different.  I see hope, love, and life.  Christmas means so much more now that I have a personal relationship with Christ.  During this time of year I am filled with joy.  I am so thankful that God sent His Son to earth.  He made a way for all of us to go to heaven one day.  

      My resolve for each Christmas is to point my family to Him.  Don't get me wrong, we enjoy all the fun of the season such as baking, decorating, and gift giving, but we don't allow all that to overshadow the true reason for the season.  We do our best to honor Him as we study His Word each day and as we pray for others.  We try to help those in need just as He did all His days on the earth. We enjoy learning more about Him as we celebrate His birth.  We thank Him for all He has given to us, especially for the best gift of all.... SALVATION!  

      I pray that this Christmas will be a special day for you and your family.  I also pray for those who are hurting during the holidays.  I know there are many celebrating without dear loved ones and it is hard.  I miss my son and parents so much during this time of year, but I know they are in heaven rejoicing. They would want me to rejoice as well.   

       May the Lord bless you as you celebrate His gift of eternal life.

      If you have not yet given your life to Christ, please feel free to contact me and I would be more than happy to talk with you.  You can message me on my facebook page Training In Godly Character, and I will get back to you asap.    We also have a wonderful page to explain salvation here: Do You Know Jesus?

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