
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Pride Goes Before the Fall


     Pride is an issue I believe we all deal with on a daily basis.  It is the opposite of humility.  When we are prideful, we are acknowledging who we are, not who we are in Christ.  We are nothing without God, but with God's help we can accomplish all that He wants us to do.  We must put aside selfish thoughts and ambitions and allow God to work His plans in us and through us.  If we allow God to use us by humbling ourselves, He will exalt us in due time.

So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor.
 ~ 1 Peter 5:6

     There are a few Hebrew words that are translated into humility.  Anah, which means to bow down, and kana, which means to be brought into subjection.  Humility is a choice! We can choose to bow down, or we can be brought into subjection.  When we are full of pride, God allows circumstances to bring us into humility.  God wants us to be humble before Him.  There are many stories in the Bible where we can see God humble men.  I encourage you to look up some of these stories.  One to get you started is the story of  Nebuchadnezzar.  

     As we teach this quality of humility to our children, we must show them ways the can be humble.  They will need to have opportunities to practice this quality.  You will have to search for teachable moments.  Such as playing a game.  When they win, do they boast and brag or do they win with a humble heart?  When they are corrected, do they get a bad attitude or do they accept criticism with a cheerful disposition?  Are they appreciative or do they have a heart of "You owe me"?  Do they have a servant's heart?  When we see them acting prideful, we need to correct them right away.  Show them ways to be humble in their attitudes and actions.  As adults, we need to be sure we are exhibiting humble hearts as well!

    The most important thing to express about humility is that we are to be humble before our God.  We should kneel when we pray.  We should be thankful in our hearts for the things God has given to us.  We must show honor and glory to God through all situations.  We need to give testimony of the great things God has done in our lives.  We must point to Him when we accomplish anything!  He alone is worthy of our praise and honor!!!!  Remind them of Christ's humility while He was here on earth.  

Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 
~Philippians 2:5-7


  1. I do think that most of us struggle with pride.This is a good reminder for us and for teaching the kids.

  2. I love Proverbs, such a large amount of wisdom. Of course, we still feel pride when our kids do something great, I am working on being mindful of their diligence instead. I just finished Sarah Mackenzie's book Teaching from Rest and she delves into the subject of pride a little. This is a great reminder for us.
