
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tuesday's Training Time: LET'S TALK MANNERS - The Golden Rule


     I absolutely love this subject of The Golden Rule.  It covers so many of our character qualities like kindness, gentleness, love, and self-control.  I consider this a manner that all children should develop on a daily basis.  This is one we can talk about over and over again, until it is bound on the hearts of our children.  

     There are many Bible stories that talk about this, but my favorite is the parable of the Good Samaritan.  In this parable, Jesus tells us about a man who helped  a Jewish man who was robbed, beaten and bruised.  Other men saw this poor man, but they chose to ignore him.  Then this sweet Samaritan, who was not well liked by the Jews,  stopped to help this injured man. He felt compassion for this man who was hurting.  He didn't care who this man was, he just wanted to show him love and kindness.  

     Today as you sit down with your children to teach them our first manner, please consider reading the parable of the Good Samaritan.  It is found in  Luke 10:25-37.  Ask them questions after the story. Let them think about how they can be like this Samaritan man.  How can they exhibit the same love and compassion for their siblings or friends each day?  

      I have created a worksheet for you to use if you would like.  It may help you get started in your journey to teaching this wonderful manner.  

or you may like this one.....

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For some great free printable cards on manners, please follow this link:

1 comment:

  1. This is a great lesson to teach children. A lot of adults have forgotten the golden rule and live selfish lives.
