
Monday, October 10, 2016

Monday Mornings with Jesus: I Pour Out My Heart

From the time we wake up......

     "Lord, my heart is aching. I see people hurting each other on a daily basis.  They injure one another with knives and guns, but mainly they harm each other with the words that comes out of their mouths.  Sharp, unkind, unloving words that cut deeper than any knife ever could.  When I speak to those who are hurting, my heart breaks.  It all stems from selfishness.  Why do we do this?  Why can't we have the love of You shine through us?  Okay, so I know why.  It is because we don't know You well enough to have the love you have for us.  We don't spend enough time with You.  We forget to pray and read our Bibles.  We don't take time out of our busy days to sit down and just be with You.

      Oh Lord, I am so sorry that we neglect You.  Your birthday is coming up soon and even then we forget to celebrate the great gift You gave to us.  Your birth is how the beautiful gift of salvation was put into action.  It was through your birth, life, death and resurrection that we are offered the most amazing gift of eternal life.  All you ask is that we believe in You with all our hearts.  Your motives are so pure.  Oh how I wish we could have pure motives every time we set out to do something nice for someone.  Instead we tend to have ulterior motives.  Most of the time we give in order to get something, whether it be a gift in return or applause from others.  Lord forgive me!  I don't want to have selfishness in my heart.  I want to be more like You.  Lord, I want to lay down this life of mine and be used by You.  I never want anyone to see me.  I want them to see You shining through me.  Jesus, I am Yours!" 

      This is my prayer today.  When I woke up today, my heart was just overwhelmed with everything I have been seeing and reading the last few weeks.  My heart is so heavy.  I want to be used by the Lord to help others heal from the wounds they have endured.  I no longer want to be a part of the problem but instead a part of the solution.  I will be using my words more carefully.  I will pray that the Lord closes my lips when I am not speaking words of life.

       Won't you join me in praying that the Lord use us in a mighty way?  We can make a difference in the lives of many.  All we have to do is be willing to surrender our lives into the hands of a loving and awesome God.

       Our children are watching us everyday and whether we want to admit it or not, they will do as we do.  They will say things we say.  They see us as their leaders and they do follow our examples.  We need to do as we would have them do.  Teaching with our words is not enough.  Our lives, words, and actions must show them how to live.

Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant. ~ Galatians 1:10

to the time we go to bed....
We will trust in the Lord.

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  1. What a powerful prayer Betty!! Praise God! He is so good and faithful, we just need to lay it all down at His feet and trust Him.
    Thank you for linking this with us at #BlessedMOMdays today!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind words of encouragement!!!!

  2. I was especially impacted by your words about our children watching us. Certainly more of our values are caught than taught.
