
Friday, July 30, 2021


I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew

     Last year our family was able to start fermenting cabbage to make delicious sauerkraut for our dinners when we tried the starter kit from Fermentools, so you can imagine when we were given the opportunity to receive and review another amazing starter kit, we were thrilled. My kiddos love helping me in the process.  

    The company is passionate about helping families be able to ferment their own veggies and such.  They also make sure each kit is made with quality and in the USA.  They want your experience with them to be the best.  Their kits are inexpensive and their site with recipes makes fermenting easy to do. I have been more than satisfied with their products and ease of use.


The Starter Kit includes:
    1 Stainless Steel Lid 
      1 Glass Fermentation Weight
        1 Air Lock.
          1 Rubber Stopper
            1 Rubber Canning Gasket
              Himalayan Powdered Salt
              Instruction Guide and Basic Sauerkraut recipe

                   Last time we made sauerkraut and it was delicious so this time around we wanted to try fermenting carrots.  I followed the recipe on the site and we are just days away from trying them as it takes 4 weeks to ferment for the best taste.  I know my husband is going to love them. Carrots are one of the few veggies he enjoys eating.  

                   It was simple to do. First, we made our brine. We mixed 2 tbsp of the salt provided in the kit with a quart of water.  We then washed our carrots and garlic.  I only used half the garlic require in the recipe because it seemed like a lot for our family. After I placed the garlic in the bottom and the carrots on top of them we added our brine. We then put the glass fermentation weight on top of the carrots and assembled our top.  You place the rubber gasket on first, then the stainless steel lid.  You then add the original lid from your mason jar and screw it on tightly.  We added the rubber stopper and airlock system.  It is easy and doesn't take much time at all.  You will find all the directions you need on the insert that arrives with your kit. 

                   We placed our carrots in a dry sunless part of our pantry and are waiting patiently to eat them :)  

                   The health benefits of these fermented veggies are incredible.  I have been reading many books on the subject and I was just blown away. The greatest benefit is that they are rich in probiotic bacteria.  It is so important to eat foods that aid our body in keeping healthy and happy. I know I want to eat more foods that keep me feeling well especially when we need extra immune support.

                   Would you like to learn more about Fermentools?  I would encourage you to check out their site and social media pages listed below:

              We also have more reviews of this product and company over on the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW site. Just click on the link below πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
                                      Fermenting Food Made Easy with Fermentools

              Wednesday, July 28, 2021

              HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW: OUR REVIEW OF Greg Landry's Homeschool Science

              I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew

                   Science has always been a subject that I was apprehensive about teaching. I did well when I was in school but didn't always feel like I could teach it well.  That is why I absolutely love when I find online classes that teach science and truly care about what they are teaching to my kids. When we were given the opportunity to receive 12 months of access to Exercise & Sports Physiology, one of Greg Landry's Homeschool Science classes from his Self-paced 7th-12th grade half-semester classes, I was thrilled.  This homeschool science lab is an absolute asset to my daughter.  


                   Hope is 14 and heading into the 10th grade.  She has been interested in Physiology for a while now.  She has her own gym in our basement and loves lifting weights and pounding on our punching bag.  She gets her dad to spare with her on occasion, but she is really good so she's a bit intimidating πŸ˜‰ This class was a perfect fit for her as learning about the body and how exercise affects the body is important to her right now. 

                        Greg Landry is a husband, dad, and former college professor.  He created these classes to assist homeschooling moms and dads in teaching. He loves teaching science and his heart for God shines through in his classes.  These classes are Creation based. He wants us all to know that God created us for a purpose.  As a mentor and teacher, he encourages students both now and in the past to explore God's amazing handiwork.  He is also a homeschooling father, so he knows the needs of parents who also homeschool their children. That is a huge plus!!! 

                   The class we are reviewing today is Exercise & Sports Physiology  This self-paced class is great for students.  They can learn on their own and not feel rushed.  The online class is easy to set up.  All you have to do is download Canvas and create an account.  It is simple, so don't feel overwhelmed by that.  Once you have your account you just log in and the classes you have subscribed to will be right there. You will also be able to contact Gary through the inbox on your account. AWESOME HUH?

                   Just click on your class and off you go.  There is an introductory video for you and your child to watch before beginning the actual classes.  It will help you learn more about the program. 

                   You will also have a study guide pdf to download and/or print out for your student.  This is needed to take the class. Your student will take notes and prepare for test-taking. There is also a video for each chapter that your student can watch as many times as they like. 

                   The Exercise & Sports Physiology includes classes such as:

              • Taking notes, note sketching and studying
              • Bones, muscles, and training
              • VO2 Max, training, cellular respiration, and the anaerobic threshold
              • Heartrate, training, and cardiovascular function
              • Energy expenditure, glycogen & respiratory function in training
              • Live high - train low, and training in hot environments
              • Ergogenic aids
                   We are on summer break right now so Hope has been going through the classes at a slower pace than we normally would.  She is excited to get on a faster pace next week when we start our new school year and so far she says she has learned so much from the classes she has taken.  She feels more confident as she exercises. She feels this class will help her get a jump start on her career as well.  She wants to eventually help others train in weight lifting and such. Her favorite part of the class so far is learning how note sketches work.  She said "Mom taking notes can be fun."

                   Would you like to learn more about these homeschool science labs? I would encourage you to check out this site:  Greg Landry's Homeschool Science

                   We also have more reviews of this class and others over on the Homeschool Review Crew site.  Just click on the image below πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
                                                Online College Prep Science Classes with Greg Landry

              Friday, July 16, 2021

              HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW: OUR REVIEW OF Creating A Masterpiece

              I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew

                    For the last month or so, we have had the wonderful opportunity to receive and review the  Art History Program from Creating A Masterpiece.  Our family loves to be creative and we enjoy it when we can get out our art supplies and just have some fun.  My daughter and I use the supplies more than anyone else in our house, but you will see my husband getting out his sketchpad and pencils once in a while. He is gifted in drawing but is a busy guy and doesn't get to use his skills as much as he would like.  I actually showed him this program and he said he wants to try his hand at a few projects next time he gets some time off. 

                   Since we are doing this review during our summer break, we decided to just pick a few projects and have some fun trying to learn new techniques and such. However, this program is best used to complement an Art History Curriculum. They want to teach how to create art similar to different time periods like The Realism Period or Gothic Period.  

                   Once you purchase your program, you will log in, and all your projects will be right there for you to choose from. Here is our Daley Art Studio Page.  From here we can pick what projects we would like to do. 

                   There are different levels and media to choose from. The levels range from: 
              • Core Beginner to Core Level 5
              • Beginning Drawing 1 to Drawing Level 6
              • Styles of Art History
              • Historically Themed Projects
              • Exploring the Art of Yesterday
              • Capstone Program
                   There are many different media that you will be taught as well such as:

                   Each class has up to 7 lessons of videos to watch and a supply list of what you will need to complete the project you have chosen.  Most supplies are not expensive, but you really do get what you pay for when it comes to art supplies.  Sometimes cheaper ones are not easy to use or won't blend well like you need.  I enjoyed watching the videos and her instruction was simple.  She is encouraging and that makes all the difference when taking classes such as these. 

                   The classes can be used for younger children but range clear up to adult level. I only hope one day to be able to complete the masterpiece level :) 

                   My daughter had fun watching the videos and learning some new techniques with using Black Artagain Paper and soft pastels. You only had to purchase a few colors for the projects, but we decided to buy a kit of soft pastels since we love art so much.  Here is a couple of her creations.  She is a private person but allows me to share some of her creations here so you can see what the program can teach you. 

                   Most of the time you will find her creating her masterpieces on our couch with her sketchpad and iPad for watching videos and such.  This program was great for its versatility! 

                    Would you like to learn more about Creating A Masterpiece?  I would encourage you to check out their site or visit their social media pages listed below: 

              We also have more reviews of this program over on the Homeschool Review Crew site. Just click on the link below
                                   Creating a Masterpiece Art Curriculum

              Friday, July 9, 2021


              I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

                   For over 4 years now, our family has been blessed with amazing online math courses from CTCMath. In this review period, we were given a 12-month subscription with accounts for as many students in your immediate family as you need. Here is how CTCMath works.  After reading through my review, head on over there to check it out for yourself.  


                  As a homeschooling mom, I have always had anxiety when it came to teaching high school math subjects like Geometry, Calculus, Algebra 2, and Trigonometry.  With CTCMath, I don't have to worry.  They are an Australian based company that teaches math lessons through videos. Their courses range from Kindergarten to 12th grade. They provide quality lessons for our children to learn what they need to know in a way that they will remember.
              Here is what they offer:
              • Video Tutorials
              • Interactive Questions
              • Worksheets and Solutions
              • Reports of the Students Progress

                  This time our daughter Hope, who is 14, is using the courses to learn Geometry.  She has been loving these courses so much.  She says she finally "gets math".  She has never been a fan of math since she is our avid reader.  She didn't want to take time out to really sit down and try to understand the skills taught in Geometry instead she kept putting off taking it.  Now she is enjoying it and learning so much along the way.  

                   The lessons are short and easy to follow. She can sit down, watch the videos, and do her questions both online and off within a 45-minute time period.  After they watch the video, they do online questions. They can then print out a worksheet to reinforce their lesson and after they complete it, they can enter their answers online.  The parents are given all the answers to the questions so you can check their work as well.  

                   The students work at their own pace and never feel rushed. They will not feel like they are competing, only learning! It doesn't matter how long it takes to understand a concept. You can watch the videos over and over again until you do.  It's that simple!!!  

                    This math program is a great fit for our family. We have never had any issues with it and my kids are more confident in their math skills.  Our son Josh used it last year and scored the highest percentage he ever has in Math on his achievement test.  We can't wait to see how this helps Hope on her test.  Math is an important subject and with this program, you know you are giving your child the skills to master it.   

                 Would you like to learn more about this program? I encourage you to look over their website CTCMath or check out their social media pages: 

              We also have more reviews for you over on the Homeschool Review Crew site.  Just click on the image below

              Online Homeschool Math with CTCMath

              Thursday, July 8, 2021

              HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW: OUR REVIEW OF Home School in the Woods

              I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

                    Over the past few weeks we have been working through one of  Home School in the Woods Individual Timeline Sets (Grades K-12).  Ours is the Timeline Set: America's History (Explorers to 21st Century) This printable set is an amazing way to study characters and subjects from American History. From Leif Erikson to the attacks on our World Trade Center, you will get have the opportunity to study each timeline figure.

                   Our daughter is a bit older so we decided to do a notebook study of each timeline figure. Each day we worked on the notebook we would take one or two figures to study.  She would either get online to learn more about them or we would head to the library to find a book about the timeline figure. I want to use this as her American History curriculum so I want her to take it slow and really learn about these timeline figures. She is very creative so I am allowing her to make up her notebook timeline the way she wants to then we are doing notes and/or essays on the side in her history notebook. 

                   This set includes 4 different ways to use it. They have: 
              • Wall size with text description 
              • Wall size with just name and date
              • Notebook size with text description
              • Notebook size with just name and date

                   We chose the notebook size with text description for her personal timeline. She has made her own timeline on cardstock and is using washi tape for the actual line. She also made her own cover page, but you can use the one that comes with the set.  For younger students, I would recommend using the Wall Size.  They will love cutting out the individual timeline figures and pasting them on their own timeline or sheet of paper to be hung on the wall.  You can hang them in time order and they will love seeing their work displayed on a daily basis.  You will be able to review easier with them if they are right there as well.  

                   We have been using resources from Home School in the Woods for years now. They have been such a wonderful part of our homeschooling life. From these amazing timelines to Project Passport World History Studies, they will keep your students focused on learning with wonderful hands-on history activities. They have studies for Kindergarten all the way to high school.  You will never be disappointed if your child loves to work with their hands and enjoys creative ways to study history.  

                   Would you like to know more about Home School in the Woods ? I would encourage you to check on their website and social media pages listed below:

              We also have more reviews for this product and others on the Homeschool Review Crew site. Just click on the image below

                                                   Hands On History with Homeschool in the Woods