
Wednesday, May 5, 2021



I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

     Our family has been enjoying the wonderful books from YWAM Publishing for over 4 years now. We were thrilled to find out we would be receiving and reviewing HEROES OF HISTORY George Washington Carver: From Slave to Scientist from the Heroes of History series.  My daughter Hope wanted to read it first, so you will hear about what she learned from this book today.  

     This is a softback book that can withstand years of use. We have our oldest one from 2017 and it still looks great even with much use.  This particular book is 190 pages and can be used by students of all ages.  Younger ones may need help when reading through it, but older students will read it with ease.  They are written well and easy to understand.  My kids were in elementary school when we started reading them and now in high school they still enjoy them.  They keep your focus and will teach so many wonderful facts about the person you are reading about.  

     Hope is in the 9th grade and it took her about a week to read through this book.  We also went over the digital study guide to reinforce some things she was reading about.  The digital study guide has so many amazing applications.  It can be used for supplemental curriculum in areas such as: 
  • Creative Writing
  • Drama
  • Movie Critiquing 
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Essay Writing 
  • History and Geography Concepts
     I asked Hope what she learned from the book and she said with tears in her eyes, "Mom, I can't believe what this man endured yet he still managed to live a wonderful life."  George Washington Carver was a man that was kidnapped as a baby and taken into slavery.  Instead of allowing his past to hurt him, he chose to rise from it and learn everything he could. He lost so much yet gained far more. His perseverance brought him out of bondage and into a life of wonder and amazement.  He became a  wonderful and creative Scientist whose experiments saved the southern economy from poverty. 

     Even though this man suffered he picked himself up and didn't quit.  He never allowed people to tell him he couldn't do something.  He purposed to do good with his knowledge and he did it!  He was acknowledged by many for the creative ways he came up with to save farms and use resources. I encourage you to get this book and read it for yourself.  You will be inspired by his story.    

     Would you like to know more about 
YWAM Publishing Go check out their website and their social media pages listed below. 

     We also have more reviews of this book and many others over on the Homeschool Review Crew site.  Just click on the image below 👇👇👇👇

YWAM Publishing

Monday, May 3, 2021

Feeling Overwhelmed? What To Do When You Feel Like Giving Up

     "Mom, I lost my workbook."
     "Honey, where are my keys?"
"Friend, will you babysit my kids all weekend?"
"Mrs. Daley, can you cook 48 cupcakes for the church bake sale?"

     From running errands, paying bills, answering emails, responding to texts,  to cooking for our families and cleaning our homes, our lives can get very hectic at times. Then as homeschooling moms, we get to add teaching, scheduling, and grading into the mix.  Day in and day out, we are bombarded with things that can overwhelm us.  So what do we do when we feel so overwhelmed that we want to give up?  You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach that says "I CAN'T DO THIS FOR ONE MORE DAY".  I have been there a few times in our 21 years of homeschooling.  

     When I sit down feeling stressed, I think what can I do to make my life a little less nerve racking and the first thing that comes to mind in those wee hours of the morning is I could send the kids to school.  It sure would take a lot of pressure off of me and I could have 6 to 7 hours of quiet everyday where I could get things accomplished without distraction.  It isn't long before God brings to mind that He has called me to homeschool my children. It is my ministry in this season of life and if anything else is  keeping me from doing it with excellence, those are the things I have to give up. 

     I have had to give up a lot over the years, and I don't regret one thing.  When I felt like our homeschool was suffering due to my outside activities, I had a choice to make.  I could keep trying to do it all and get burned out or I could choose to let things go that were causing my anxiety. 

      I had to say no at times.  I couldn't let anyone take advantage of me just because I was home all day " just doing school".  I had to put our family first. I had to be obedient to the Lord and make sure that my kids were getting the best of me and not what was left over.  

     So, my advice to you is to sit back and look at your day to day life.  Are there things you could give up so that your homeschooling days are not so hectic?  Do you set time aside to take care of you, so you can take care of your family?  Are you able to say no when something may conflict with your homeschooling schedule?  

     Now don't get me wrong.  We still need to be hospitable.  We need to love on others.  We just need to do it as the Lord calls us to.  We need to follow the Holy Spirit's promptings.  If God is in it, we won't feel overwhelmed.  He will give us peace and strength to do what He has called us to do.  It is when we step out and aren't listening to Him that we get into trouble.  Make sure you pray about everything before you say "yes".  

     I hope this post encourages you.  I will be praying for you everyday! Remember to let God have control and make sure you are taking time to spend with Him each day.  He will always be there for you and will never fail you.