
Thursday, December 5, 2019

Let's Talk.... {Free Printables}


      Communication is the key to a healthy relationship.....I bet you have heard that a thousand times, but has it really sunk in.  Do we take it seriously?  Do we realize that talking is one means of showing how much we care for one another?

       When we take time to sit down and have an uninterrupted conversation with our spouse or children, we are showing them that their thoughts, dreams and emotions are important to us.  Time is very precious, so when we give our time to listen, they will feel loved.  If we are looking down at our phones or watching TV while others are talking to us, they will feel jilted.  It is imperative that we stop communicating while trying to do other things.  

        We need to realize that we communicate in other ways as well.  Our words are powerful, but so are our actions and body language.  We convey many messages by the way we look at someone or by the way we hold our arms.  We can express love or hatred just by the way we stand.   People can tell a lot about us by the way we look.  They will feel we are easy to talk to or that we really don't want to be bothered by them.  

         What signals do you send out?  Do your children feel like they can come to you and talk about anything?  Do you and your spouse communicate well?   In our homes the communication should be on a deeper level.  We should be able to share our thoughts with one another and know that we can do so, without fear of reproach.   Our homes should be our safe place.  

           In our marriages, communication should be an even deeper connection.  We should be able to verbalize what we are feeling expecting the other to listen with intent.  As a wife, I only feel close to my husband when I feel he is being attentive to what I am saying.  I mean really interested in my words and being vigilant to hear me.   If I feel he is off in space while I am conveying my feelings, I get hurt.  We all yearn for a relationship where we feel loved..... and I am telling you communication is a key component in feeling cared for.  

           I want to give you some ideas on how to keep communication alive and well in your homes. It's all about being intentional.  

  • Dinner time is a great time to sit around and discuss our days.  Give everyone a chance to talk about their days.

  • Have a family game night.  You will all be relaxed and able to chat about life. 

  • Family devotions is an excellent time to communicate.  After reading God's Word, we can begin conversations about what God is speaking to us.
  • Hold families meetings once a month or so just to keep in touch with what is going on and to be sure everyone is doing well within the household.  

  • Long car rides are a great way to have everyone together and can open up lines of communication.  Turn off the radio, dvd players, and phones and just talk.

  • Make time for each child to be alone with you at least once a month so you can discuss personal issues just one on one.  
          Now lets talk about ways to keep the lines of communication open in our marriages: 

  • Make a date night.  Be intentional about talking about things other than the kids. 

  • Purpose to stay awake at night talking for at least 15 minutes.

  • Be attentive..... No phones or TV!

  • Doing a couples devotional can open up conversations.  A couple that prays together, stays together.

  • Listen with your heart... not your head.  Your mate may need you to hear their heart not just their words.

         I will be praying for you and I hope you will pray for me as we work on communicating better in our home.  It won't be an easy task but I feel it will be worth the effort and work we put into it. 

I made up some great questions to help keep us up to date with what our children like.
One key to communication is knowing the other person.  
I think these questions will help . 

Feel free to save and print them . 

Here are some great questions to ask your spouse.
Again feel free to save and print them 😊

Don't forget to stop over on our Facebook page for our Christmas Challenge
 Training In Godly Character

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Let's Have Fun With Numbers {FREE PDF}

Good morning!  I hope you are having a wonderful day!

I have a great little workbook for your Toddlers, Preschoolers, and Kindergarten age kiddos.  They will learn their numbers from 1 to 12. They will have fun learning them with an adorable Christmas Theme. 😊

To download this workbook, just click on the link below the image.

If you would like to add our Fun With Tracing Letters PDF to your collection as well, come check out our blog page here: