
Friday, November 9, 2018

FREE Veterans Day Printables!!!


    Veteran's Day is coming up soon,  so I wanted to give you a free PDF to download and print. It's important for our children to understand why we take days to honor our soldiers past, present, and future. 

     Each day we must pray for those who fight for our freedoms and who sacrifice so much to do so. Some gave their very lives in order to give us the freedoms we have today. We need to love, support and encourage our military men and women. 

    Along with the free PDF, I have a challenge for you.  Find a way to thank a Veteran this weekend. Get creative!  If you personally know a Veteran, do something special for them.  If you don't, find a way to honor them today or tomorrow. One way to show your gratefulness is by making a contribution to an organization that helps our Veterans.  Be sure to do your research! I hope you will accept my challenge.  Have a blessed weekend!!!!!

To download this PDF file, just click on the link below the image.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW: Our Review of Master Kitz The Starry Night

     Our daughter loves art.  After school, you will always find her doing something creative with her time.  She loves to draw, paint, sculpt, and do DIY projects she finds on the internet.  She was so excited when we were chosen to receive and review Master Kitz The Starry Night from  We have never used a kit like this before, and were thrilled to be able to work through it.  

     When the kit arrived in the mail, I grabbed a quick picture of her with it and off to the kitchen she went.  She couldn't wait to open it and get started.  The easy to follow directions made this a creation she could do on her own without any help from mom.  She opened up the box to find: 
  • 3 different colors of paint
  • A customized Van Gogh paint roller
  • 5 Oil pastels 
  • 2 pieces of large art paper (16" x 20")
  • A customized stencil for this project
  • A sponge roller
  • Star mask sticker sheet
  • Van Gogh learning materials
     All these items come in a wonderful little box that can be used again and again to keep your art supplies safe and in one spot.  

     It didn't take her very long to begin to put the project together. She read the instructions then began to work on the painting. I sat with her so I could watch her little mind at work.  She started by taping down the art paper provided with the kit.  Our kitchen table is safe to do any craft you want, so she wasn't worried about her art space.

     After taping the paper, she placed the star mask stickers on to the designated areas of the project. She then got out the paint needed and the foam roller. It didn't take her long to get a very beautiful painting that would soon change into something even more fabulous.  Once the paint dried, she removed the star stickers.  It wasn't too hard, but did require some patience.  
    After placing the stencil onto the painting and taping it down so it didn't move around, she rolled on the black paint.  When she was sure it was dried and safe to remove, she peeled off the stencil and was surprised to see that it worked perfectly.  Some stencils we have used in the past didn't work as well as this one.  I have to say I was thrilled with the outcome.  

     After it sat overnight to be certain the paint was completely dry, she put on her finishing touches with the oil pastels.  She didn't want it to be just like Van Gogh's painting, so she did her own thing. She's funny like that.  Below is her finished painting. I think it turned out great! She had so much fun doing this and I had a lot of fun watching her.

     Do you have a little artist in your family that loves to paint?  Are they ages 3 and up? This may just be the kit for you!!!  Master Kitz The Starry Night is a great way to begin your painting experience.  I encourage you to check out their website along with their social media pages listed below: 

     We also have more reviews for you to read over here 

Master Kitz The Starry Night { Reviews}

Friday, November 2, 2018

Homeschool Review Crew: Our Review of Balancing Diapers and Deadlines

     I don't know about you, but sometimes it can get very difficult to balance my work life with everything else I need to get done at home. When you leave your home to work, you can separate these two quite easily, but when you are at home and seeing things that need done there on a daily basis, it's hard to balance it all.  That is why when I was chosen to receive and review Balancing Diapers and Deadlines by Lisa Tanner Writing, I was very excited.  I couldn't wait to read how she has managed her home life with her home business for so many years.  
     Lisa Tanner is a homeschooling mom of 8 amazing kids.  She also works from home by doing freelance writing and a few other things to help pay the household bills.  I bet you are thinking... HOW DOES SHE DO IT ALL?  I can barely get my housework done and take care of the kids?  Well that is what this online course is all about.  It will help teach you how to balance it all. The course includes 30 lessons that are broken down into 8 sessions.  Here is what you can expect: 
  • Welcome to Balancing Diapers and Deadlines
  • Building Your Foundation with the Basics
  • Minimize Your Decisions
  • Minimize Your Decisions: The Annual Meal Plan
  • Sustainable Growth
  • Growing a Business with Your Kids Around
  • Boost Your Productivity
  • Closing Thoughts
     With each session, you will also get worksheets and ways to implement what is being taught.  Once you begin these sessions you won't want to stop.  So much wonderful advice and suggestions! 

      I have been homeschooling for over 20 years and trying to run a home business for the last few years.  Sometimes I could just pull my hair out trying to manage it all, but after taking this course, I feel more empowered to accomplish everything. Her encouragement is astounding. She is real and honest!  Just what I needed to reboot how I do things around here. The meal planning alone will change your life!!!!

     Have you wanted to supplement your family's income? Have you thought about making money to help send your children to college? Well with this course, you will be able to learn techniques that will help you make it happen. You won't be overwhelmed by the idea anymore.  Lisa will help walk you through the steps of starting and maintaining a home business, but also be able to take care of your children and home.  I know I will continue to use what I learned from this course for years to come.

     I encourage you to check out her website to see this course along with other wonderful products.  You can also check her out on these social media pages: 

     We have more reviews for you over here

Balancing Diapers and Deadlines {Lisa Tanner Writing Reviews}